Sunday, April 28, 2024

Navigating Legal Issues With Your Property

charlotte zoning ordinance

They also establish standards for residential areas, multi-family dwellings, townhouses, and open space requirements. The NCO Neighborhood Character Overlay is intended to create a transition between locally designated historic landmark properties and/or locally designated historic districts and residential areas. Penalties may be issued by the Zoning Administrator for violations of these regulations. The adoption of the UDO was a city-wide effort to update the regulations that guide growth and development in Charlotte. The UDO combined eight development ordinances, including the zoning ordinance, into one set of regulations to make them clearer and easier to use. The UDO combines zoning regulations, along with other land development rules (such as subdivision, tree, and floodplain ordinances) into one comprehensive document.

When was the UDO adopted?

charlotte zoning ordinance

The zoning regulations in the UDO are crafted to be more easily understood. The UDO relies less on written text, and more on graphics and illustrations, to convey the various development standards to the casual user. The subdivision, streets, and other infrastructure articles (Articles 29-34) provide regulations for development activities within the City and its Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ).

When will the UDO be effective?

charlotte zoning ordinance

Numerous changes were made to the UDO between the release of the first draft in October 2021 and adoption in August 2022. Changes were based on feedback obtained from the community, City and County staff, the UDO Advisory Committee (OAC), Planning Commission, County Commission, and City Council. All the public comments submitted through the comment portal on both drafts were recorded and are available on the website. Staff worked to respond to and reconcile all comments and recommended changes based on the feedback received, where appropriate.

Some zoning districts have more changes than others

The Stormwater Administrator is responsible for carrying out the powers and duties outlined in these articles. Additionally, the Stormwater Administrator must provide information and recommendations relative to variances and respond to appeals from the UDO Board of Adjustment. Once you’ve chosen a legal team, it’s time to start gathering whatever evidence you have for the case. While every case is different, the best way to prepare for a legal dispute is to ensure strict document and filing protocols with your property management team to make sure everything is recorded and available as evidence. The vision and guiding principles of the UDO support affordable housing by encouraging a range of housing choices. In short, this includes housing that meet the needs of people with different incomes, ages, physical abilities and lifestyles.

National links: Charlotte City Council steps back from hard-fought zoning reforms - Greater Greater Washington

National links: Charlotte City Council steps back from hard-fought zoning reforms.

Posted: Fri, 17 Nov 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]

In addition, it is a tool for shaping the size and location of buildings. Also, zoning regulations enact local land development policies expressed in adopted plans. For example, the Charlotte Future 2040 Comprehensive Plan serves as the adopted policy for the UDO. The UDO is the primary tool to implement the Charlotte Future 2040 Plan and other adopted plans and policies through development regulations. The adopted UDO combines eight development ordinances, including the Zoning Ordinance, into one set of regulations. Charlotte’s development regulations were written at different times over the last three decades.

For information regarding the City of Charlotte zoning ordinance, please call 704.336.2205.

The Planning Committee of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Planning Commission recommended the UDO to the City Council on July 19, 2022. The Charlotte Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) is a unified set of regulations that guide growth and development in Charlotte. This change allows more types of housing but new duplexes and triplexes in existing neighborhoods must respect neighboring houses. The new rules limit duplex and triplex buildings by a sidewall height restriction. This limits duplex and triplex sidewalls to 20 feet or the average sidewall height of their neighbors’ sidewalls if they are more than 20 feet. To understand the difference between a sidewall height and the building height, check out this simple graphic here.

The UDO updates and combines them all so they work better together and are clearer and easier to use. However, not all of the ordinances included in the UDO had major changes. While some underwent substantive updates, many only had slight modifications for consistency with the rest of the UDO.

How does the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) address Affordable Housing?

Specific changes recommended for this draft are highlighted in green.

One of the injured CMPD Officers, Joshua Eyer, a 6-year veteran, fought for his life for several hours before succumbing to his injuries. The map above is based on the zoning translation table in Article 3 of the UDO (See below). The zoning translation table lays out how each conventional zoning district will translate in the UDO. Use this map to search an address or parcel ID to see previous zoning and the translated UDO zoning district now that the adopted UDO is in effect. Click on the link above and enter an address or parcel ID to see current zoning and the translated UDO zoning district once the adopted UDO goes into effect. Learn about ways to engage now at

– (Monday, April 29, 2024) – On Monday, April 29, 2024, an armed suspect opened fire on law enforcement officers in the 5000 block of Galway Drive in the North Tryon Division. Four Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department officers were shot, one of which succumbed to his injuries. Marshals Fugitive Task Force were shot, three of which succumbed to their injuries.

For more details about how old zoning changed to new UDO zoning districts, read more here. Depending on the zoning district, the new zoning rules may have changed more in some districts than in others. To familiarize yourself with the new UDO zoning districts, take a look at these zoning districts at-a-glance-worksheets. These articles provide an overview of the purpose and scope of the UDO. It includes information on the applicability of the regulations, the state of emergency, and the effective date of the UDO.

The zoning district names in the new ordinance are entirely different from what was used in the old zoning ordinance. For licensed real estate professionals, there are mandatory educational requirements we have to fulfill to keep our licenses, so that we’re always up to date on all of the evolving policies and procedures in our field. However, if you’re a property owner, no such requirements exist for you. The committee members’ reactions and comments to ordinance concepts help staff make adjustments to the UDO. All OAC meetings are streamed live and also available for you to watch after the meeting, on our Charlotte Planning, Design & Development YouTube channel.

Most tenant-landlord relationships are perfectly stable and mutually beneficial when our job is done right, but inevitably, the courtroom has always been the final step in resolving an irreconcilable dispute. The male suspect exited the residence on Galway Drive with a firearm. Law enforcement officers perceived an imminent deadly threat and fired their service weapons striking the suspect in the front yard of the residence.

Texting is an informal platform where correspondence could easily be missed and therefore interpreted as ignored. Property managers and owners should always have tenants use portals to submit repair requests through official channels. Eviction mills can process an uncontested case, sure, but if it is contested, you’ll want an experienced team that can handle the pressure of litigation. As is standard procedure with any officer involved shooting, the CMPD’s Internal Affairs Bureau will conduct a separate but parallel investigation. UDO University offered a series of virtual training opportunities to assist in learning about the UDO and to ask questions of subject matter experts.

They aim to create a network of well-connected streets and transit services that better serve all users by providing more equitable access to transit services and destinations. The articles also promote sustainable quality of life and economic development by providing increased transportation capacity for all modes and more user-friendly streets. Additionally, they secure rights-of-way or easements to accommodate necessary complete streets and other infrastructure while promoting the orderly division or consolidation of lots for development. Appeals, variances, inspections, and enforcement actions are subject to specific articles within this category. Articles in the CLT UDO are categorized as “Usage & Development Standards”. This category includes general use regulations, a global use matrix, use definitions, prescribed conditions for principal and temporary uses, and prescribed conditions for accessory uses.

In addition, the UDO includes several other methods to achieve greater affordability including incentives, removing regulatory barriers, and providing higher density housing opportunities. The UDO was developed by staff from the City of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County, with feedback on concepts from the Ordinance Advisory Committee (OAC), community feedback, and consultant support from Camiros, Ltd. That’s why it’s essential to make an extra effort to keep yourself informed. One of the best ways to do that is to seek out educational seminars by the same legal experts that would best represent you in court. In a perfect world, there would be no text messaging with tenants, and all communication would be done through email correspondence or letters.

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